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LUBODRY® Productions offers sustainable, efficient and cost-effective lubricant solutions.


Whatever the industry, the environmental impact is becoming increasingly important. Mechanics and friction are inseparable, and adequate lubrication is key to the operations of any industrial equipment. Most conventional lubricants such as oils and greases, have had disastrous effects on the environment. Today, LUBODRY® impinged dry lubricant coatings dry lubricants allow advanced industries to limit their environmental footprint and reduce maintenance costs, while providing for an effective and permanent solution to friction problems.

Selecting a lubricant solution compatible with the challenges of environmental protection should no longer compromise the performance and the lifespan of your industrial equipment. Indeed, appropriate decisions from an environmental perspective are made as early as during the design phase of your parts / industrial equipments, allowing effective cost control and sustainable businesses. Now, best practices in terms of equipment design not only take into account the equipment itself and its ergonomics, but also its maintenance, operating costs and replacement throughout its life cycle.

Conventional lubricant solutions based on oil and / or grease, require regular changes / renewals arbitrarily decided, either because theoretical specifications require frequent renewals, or because of contamination by water, dust or any other pollutant. Therefore, selecting a LUBODRY® dry lubricant coating significantly reduce these releases and provide for significant savings.


In any efficient lubrication system, a number of decisions must be taken throughout the life cycle of industrial equipments : During the design phase, opting for one of the LUBODRY® dry lubricant process will have lasting effects in terms of cost reduction. Our technology is based on a molecular bond between the Graphite, MOS2, or WS2 micro-particles and the substrate. Our coatings are permanent, they delay the wear of your equipments and industrial machines, improve the performance of your operations while preserving the safety of your operators. With no release in the environment, both at the time of the impingement process or during the entire life cycle of your equipment, LUBODRY® PRODUCTIONS offers you effective lubricant solutions with zero impact on the environment.

The ultimate selection of one LUBODRY® innovative coating depends on the physical characteristics of the workpieces and the functional features you are expecting from them. In any case, your research teams always validate the results of tests performed in our workshop. As LUBODRY® PRODUCTIONS already complies with the EN 9100 provisions, we also initiate “First Article” processes for our ASD clients.

As environmental regulations are becoming more and more stringent, we are aware of the challenges your industry is facing, when it comes to replacing an existing lubrication system consequently or in anticipation of a restriction of use (i.e. replacement of solutions based on Chromium VI). In such case, several factors must be considered :

  • Are raw materials available in nature, in sufficient quantity, and renewable?
  • Which kind and quantity of energy and raw materials are consumed during the coating process?
  • Which waste management system is in place and which quantity of waste is generated by the coating process?
  • Operators’ health and safety?
  • Product Toxicity?
  • Etc.

High performance, cost effective, compliant with the most restrictive environmental regulations and not requiring any maintenance operation : LUBODRY® dry lubricant processes make a simple technical solution with a high level of return on investment.

If you have ever asked yourself one of the following questions:

  • How do I change my business processes and / or mechanical parts to significantly reduce the use (and release) of chemical substances?
  • How to reduce the risk and better manage the consequences of potential releases?
  • How to limit the impact on the environment of my operations?
  • How to ensure and verify the compliance with environmental regulations?
  • How to reconcile industrial performance, cost effectiveness and environmental protection?

… Then LUBODRY is the lubricant solution you are looking for.



Several barriers may hamper the move towards a new and environment-friendly lubrication system. Research and Operation teams are not necessarily aware of the existence of effective lubricants (even in extreme conditions), still compliant with stringent environment regulations. Moreover, these teams sometimes overestimate the difficulty of replacing a lubrication system and it may happen that OEMs or their contractors are linked to a single supplier / solution. This might happen when industrial drawings mention a single lubrication solution. These barriers to more environmental friendly behaviors could nevertheless be removed easily : we provide your research teams with all scientific documentation relating to our dry lubricant processes and tests are conducted on pre-series or samples of your choice. Our processes are always validated by your research teams and our technical and sales teams will assist you in every steps of the implementation of our lubrication solutions.

LUBODRY® PRODUCTIONS anticipates the tribological and environmental concerns of its clients and offers sustainable, efficient and cost-effective lubricant solutions.


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