Scientific Cooperation

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LUBODRY® PRODUCTIONS collaborates with the French Aerospace Lab, ONERA, for the development of the MICROSCOPE satellite’s Payload Bloc, which will test the weak equivalence principle, also known as the universality of free fall (satellite launch in 2016, for a 2-year period):
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LUBODRY® PRODUCTIONS collaborates with the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) for the development of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), one of the world’s largest particle accelerator:
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LUBODRY® PRODUCTIONS collaborates with the French CNRS and the LAPP (Annecy Particle Physics Laboratory) for the design of an ultra-compact titanium connection and ceramic insulator for CO2 cooling system of the ATLAS traces detector.
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LUBODRY® PRODUCTIONS collaborates with the Fundamental Research Institute on Universe’s Laws (IFRU) to develop ball joints for mechanical structures of the JT-60SA TOKAMAK magnetic field system (toroidal magnetic confinement chamber for the study of Plasma):
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